Davenport Engineering brings unparalleled knowledge and expertise to the table when consulting on large, complex, or particularly tough environmental compliance issues or projects. Having honed our skills in California, home to some of the strictest environmental regulations, we specialize in program development, regulatory interpretation, rule implementation, auditing, advocacy, and more.
Air Compliance
Davenport Engineering is a recognized leader in providing air quality consulting services, encompassing advocacy, regulatory interpretation, rule implementation, compliance reporting, auditing, and program management. We have honed our skills in air quality, arguably the most complex environmental practice area, in the Southern California air basin, the birthplace of some of the most stringent air requirements.
A few air compliance topics, from our broad expertise, are discussed below.
Program Development
Davenport has the know how to develop environmental programs at the grassroots level. We can tame the initial panic when a new rule is adopted or a facility change triggers the applicability of an existing rule. Our services include developing all the compliance strategies, procedures, and training needed to successfully implement a new environmental compliance program. As an example, we have built comprehensive Title V programs comprised, in part, of reasonable inquiry processes for compliance determination and procedures for deviation self-reporting.
The same critical thinking goes into developing environmental programs initiated within the company. We have, for example, played key roles in helping corporate teams roll out environmental management systems to their individual facilities. Our efforts have included writing procedures addressing multimedia environmental topics, writing auditing protocols, and defining the actionable rule requirements for upload into compliance management software.
Auditing is a special skill set that requires strong knowledge of auditing practices as well as the subject matter. Here at Davenport Engineering, our auditing procedure contains the following elements that can be consistently applied to a variety topics and facilities.
- · Audit Plan: Prepare a work plan that establishes the audit scope, assigned personnel, roles and responsibilities, proposed timelines, and initial data requests.
- · Sampling Plan: Prepare a targeted sampling strategy prioritizing sources and data systems with the greatest risk for misstatement or regulatory non-compliance.
- · Data Checks: Check data as prioritized and defined in the Sampling Plan.
- · Site Visit: Conduct a site visit to evaluate and obtain data by direct observation and personnel interviews.
- · Issues Log and Issues Resolution: Maintain an issues log to track each finding, its regulatory basis, and its resolution.
- · Audit Report: Detailed report documenting the work conducted and the audit findings.
Davenport Engineering believes that auditing can be a powerful tool. Knowledge of your strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and improvement opportunities in a specific area of your environmental program will put you in a proactive position ahead of agency inspections.
When you invite Davenport Engineering onboard, we become your trusted partner and advocate. We can leverage our credibility among agency regulators to represent your interests in variance hearings, NOV settlement negotiations, rulemaking, and permit applications. Our clients include trade organizations in addition to individual businesses, giving us a broader opportunity to make your industry’s voice heard.